Entitas Redux
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.ArrayToolsHelper methods for arrays
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.ColorExtensionsExtension methods for Color
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.ColorToolsHelper methods for ColorTools
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.Plugins.ComponentValidationToolsHelper methods for validating ComponentData for code-generation
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.IAbstractUserPreferencesDrawerRepresents methods for an object that can render user preferences in the editor
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.ICollector< TEntity >
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.IComponentImplement this interface if you want to create a component which you can add to an entity. Optionally, you can add these attributes: [Unique]: the code generator will generate additional methods for the context to ensure that only one entity with this component exists. E.g. context.isAnimating = true or context.SetResources(); [MyContextName, MyOtherContextName]: You can make this component to be available only in the specified contexts. The code generator can generate these attributes for you. More available Attributes can be found in Entitas.CodeGeneration.Attributes/Attributes
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.IContext< TEntity >
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.IGroup< TEntity >
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.IMatcher< TEntity >
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.ISystemThe base interface for all systems. It's not meant to be implemented directly. Use one of its child interfaces such as IInitializeSystem, IUpdateSystem, IFixedUpdateSystem, IUpdateSystem, ILateUpdateSystem, ICleanupSystem or ITearDownSystem
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.ListToolsHelper methods for generic types
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Matcher< TEntity >
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Matcher< TEntity >
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Matcher< TEntity >
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.Plugins.MemberDataExtensionsAdditional extension methods for MemberData
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.PlayerSettingsToolsHelper methods for PlayerSettings
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.PlayModeHelperA helper class for resolving general play-mode issues
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.PreferenceToolsHelper methods for EditorPrefs
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.RuntimeConstantsRuntime constant fields for EntitasRedux
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.ScriptToolsHelper methods for creating scripts from template files
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.TriggerOnEvent< TEntity >
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.Editor.Plugins.TypeExtensionsHelper methods for Type
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.TypeExtensionsHelper methods for Type
 CJCMG.EntitasRedux.VisualDebugging.Editor.VisualDebuggingPreferencesUser preferences for visual debugging