class | AbstractEntityIndex |
class | AbstractEntityIndexAttribute |
class | ArrayTools |
| Helper methods for arrays More...
class | CleanupAttribute |
class | CollectionExtension |
class | Collector |
| A Collector can observe one or more groups from the same context and collects changed entities based on the specified groupEvent. More...
class | CollectorContextExtension |
class | CollectorException |
class | ComponentNameAttribute |
class | Context |
| A context manages the lifecycle of entities and groups. You can create and destroy entities and get groups of entities. The preferred way to create a context is to use the generated methods from the code generator, e.g. var context = new GameContext(); More...
class | ContextAttribute |
class | ContextDoesNotContainEntityException |
class | ContextEntityIndexDoesAlreadyExistException |
class | ContextEntityIndexDoesNotExistException |
class | ContextExtension |
class | ContextInfo |
class | ContextInfoException |
class | ContextStillHasRetainedEntitiesException |
class | CustomEntityIndexAttribute |
class | DictionaryTools |
class | DontDrawComponentAttribute |
class | DontGenerateAttribute |
class | EntitasReduxException |
| Base exception used by EntitasRedux. More...
class | EntitasStringExtension |
class | Entity |
| Use context.CreateEntity() to create a new entity and entity.Destroy() to destroy it. You can add, replace and remove IComponent to an entity. More...
class | EntityAlreadyHasComponentException |
class | EntityBehaviour |
class | EntityDoesNotHaveComponentException |
class | EntityEqualityComparer |
class | EntityIndex |
class | EntityIndexAttribute |
class | EntityIndexException |
class | EntityIndexGetMethodAttribute |
class | EntityIsAlreadyRetainedByOwnerException |
class | EntityIsNotDestroyedException |
class | EntityIsNotEnabledException |
class | EntityIsNotRetainedByOwnerException |
class | EntityLink |
class | EntityLinkExtension |
class | EventAttribute |
class | FlagPrefixAttribute |
class | Group |
| Use context.GetGroup(matcher) to get a group of entities which match the specified matcher. Calling context.GetGroup(matcher) with the same matcher will always return the same instance of the group. The created group is managed by the context and will always be up to date. It will automatically add entities that match the matcher or remove entities as soon as they don't match the matcher anymore. More...
class | GroupExtension |
class | GroupSingleEntityException |
interface | IAERC |
interface | IAllOfMatcher |
interface | IAnyOfMatcher |
interface | ICleanupSystem |
| Implement this interface if you want to create a system which should execute cleanup logic after execution. More...
interface | ICollector |
interface | IComponent |
| Implement this interface if you want to create a component which you can add to an entity. Optionally, you can add these attributes: [Unique]: the code generator will generate additional methods for the context to ensure that only one entity with this component exists. E.g. context.isAnimating = true or context.SetResources(); [MyContextName, MyOtherContextName]: You can make this component to be available only in the specified contexts. The code generator can generate these attributes for you. More available Attributes can be found in Entitas.CodeGeneration.Attributes/Attributes. More...
interface | ICompoundMatcher |
interface | IContext |
interface | IContexts |
interface | IEntity |
interface | IEntityIndex |
interface | IFixedUpdateSystem |
| Implement this interface if you want to create a system which should execute every fixed physics step. More...
interface | IGroup |
interface | IInitializeSystem |
| Implement this interface if you want to create a system which should be initialized once in the beginning. More...
interface | ILateUpdateSystem |
| Implement this interface if you want to create a system which should be executed at the end of every render frame. More...
interface | IMatcher |
class | IndexOutOfLookupRangeException |
| An exception that occurs when an index is attempted to be used with a component lookup that is out of range for the components it contains. More...
interface | INoneOfMatcher |
interface | IReactiveSystem |
| Implement this interface if you want to create a system which should be executed in reaction to an event or data change. More...
interface | ISystem |
| The base interface for all systems. It's not meant to be implemented directly. Use one of its child interfaces such as IInitializeSystem, IUpdateSystem, IFixedUpdateSystem, IUpdateSystem, ILateUpdateSystem, ICleanupSystem or ITearDownSystem. More...
interface | ITearDownSystem |
| Implement this interface if you want to create a system which should tear down once in the end. More...
interface | IUpdateSystem |
| Implement this interface if you want to create a system which should execute once per render frame. More...
class | Job |
class | JobSystem |
| A JobSystem calls Execute(entities) with subsets of entities and distributes the workload over the specified amount of threads. Don't use the generated methods like AddXyz() and ReplaceXyz() when writing multi-threaded code in Entitas. More...
class | ListTools |
| Helper methods for generic types. More...
class | Matcher |
class | MatcherException |
class | MultiReactiveSystem |
| A ReactiveSystem calls Execute(entities) if there were changes based on the specified Collector and will only pass in changed entities. A common use-case is to react to changes, e.g. a change of the position of an entity to update the gameObject.transform.position of the related gameObject. More...
class | ObjectPool |
class | PostConstructorAttribute |
class | PrimaryEntityIndex |
class | PrimaryEntityIndexAttribute |
class | ReactiveSystem |
| A ReactiveSystem calls Execute(entities) if there were changes based on the specified Collector and will only pass in changed entities. A common use-case is to react to changes, e.g. a change of the position of an entity to update the gameObject.transform.position of the related gameObject. More...
class | RuntimeConstants |
| Runtime constant fields for EntitasRedux. More...
class | SafeAERC |
| Automatic Entity Reference Counting (AERC) is used internally to prevent pooling retained entities. If you use retain manually you also have to release it manually at some point. SafeAERC checks if the entity has already been retained or released. It's slower, but you keep the information about the owners. More...
class | SingleEntityException |
class | Systems |
| Systems provide a convenient way to group systems. You can add IInitializeSystem, IExecuteSystem, ICleanupSystem, ITearDownSystem, ReactiveSystem and other nested Systems instances. All systems will be initialized and executed based on the order you added them. More...
struct | TriggerOnEvent |
class | TriggerOnEventMatcherExtension |
class | TypeExtensions |
| Helper methods for Type More...
class | UniqueAttribute |
class | UnsafeAERC |
| Automatic Entity Reference Counting (AERC) is used internally to prevent pooling retained entities. If you use retain manually you also have to release it manually at some point. UnsafeAERC doesn't check if the entity has already been retained or released. It's faster, but you lose the information about the owners. More...
class | VersionConstants |
| Version info for this library.